Who And What We Are.

NATO Warriors was founded in 2004 by Sarge and Stallion.

NATO WARRIORS are somewhat different to other clans, we are not for the faint hearted especially if you are easily offended.

We have unique banter and jargon within the clan which takes a while to get used to.

We come from a variety of European countries such as UK and Netherlands.

Our aim in gaming generally tends to be have as much fun as possible to have epic moments and a great laugh.

The games we play varies from time to time, we play Helldivers 2 and other FPS’s as well as survival games and jump in games such as Rocket League, we will however be concentrating on Star Citizen if it ever becomes fully playable?.

We have our own Discord server which anyone can join but need to be a member to fully use all its channels.

We also carry on the banter during the day using the signal app.

So if you want to join us and become a member of this crazy train and enjoy a good laugh with epic moments feel free to pop into our Discord server.


We Welcome over 18  PC Gamer’s from all European countries but must be able to speak fluent English

NATOWarriors is officially recognized by the Central Outpost as a genuine gaming organization.